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[논문 Summary] GaussianDreamer (CVPR 2024) "GaussianDreamer: Fast Generation from Text to 3D Gaussians by Bridging 2D and 3D Diffusion Models"




논문 정보 (Citation, 저자, 링크)

Citation : 2024.10.28 월요일 기준 38회

저자 (소속) : ( ) [ Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Huawei Inc. ]

논문 & Github 링크 : [ Official ] [ Arxiv ] [ 공식 Github ] [ Project ]


논문 Summary


0. 설명 시작 전 Overview






1. Introduction



본 논문은 3D diffusion model / 2D diffusion model / Gaussian Splatting을 통해 빠른 속도로 훈련 가능한 3D 모델을 소개한다.


Our contributions can be summarized as follows.
• We propose a text-to-3D method, named as Gaussian- Dreamer which bridges the 3D and 2D diffusion models via Gaussian splitting, enjoying both 3D consistency and rich generation details.
Noisy point growing and color perturbation are introduced to supplement the initialized 3D Gaussians for further content enrichment.
• The overall method is simple and quite effective. A 3D instance can be generated within 15 minutes on one GPU, much faster than previous methods, and can be directly rendered in real time.



3. Methods


3.1 Preliminaries



Score distillation Sampling (SDS) loss : 2D diffusion model score function을 활용한 3D generation 가능한 loss

MipNeRF 사용


3D Gaussian Splatting


real-time이 가능한 splatting 기반 image rendering 방법

anisotropic Gaussian 집합을 통해 구성




rendering process



3.2 Overall Framework


(1) 3D diffusion model(text-to-3D & text-to-motion diffusion models)을 통해 initialization


(2) noisy point growing and color perturbation


(3) 2D Diffusion model을 통해 optimization (SDS)


(4) Gaussian Splatting을 통한 real-time rendering  


3.3 Gaussian Initialization with 3D Diffusion Model Priors


3.3.1 Text-to-3D Diffusion Model


3D 생성 모델을 통한 SDF & texture color 예측


triangle mesh $m$ 생성 : query SDF value at vertices -> query texture colors at each vertex of m

$pt_m(p_m, c_m)$ : m의 vertices와 color를 point clouds로 변환

$p_m$ : position of the point clouds. vertice coordinated of m와 동일

$c_m$ : color of the point clouds


Noisy Point Growing and Color Perturbation


위에서 생성한 $pt_m$을 기반으로 3D Gaussian 초기값으로 사용하지 않음

초기화 성능 향상을 위해 noisy point growingcolor perturbation 진행



$pt_m$의 surface Bounding box 계산

uniformly point cloud grow 진행 $pt_r$

이때 사용하는 것은 KDTree


최근접 point 생성 & normalized distance 0.01 내 point 선택

색상은 근접 색상의 값 + perturbation 진행 (0~0.2)


  merge the positions and colors of $pt_m$ and $pt_r$ to obtain the final point clouds.






(Optional) 3.3.2 Text-to-Motion Diffusion Model


text 기반 human body motion sequence 생성을 위해 진행하는 단계

human pose keypoint을 triangle mesh m으로 표기한 SMPL model로 변환

mesh -> point clouds $pt_m$


point cloud $pt$ 기반 3D Gaussian 초기화 

opacity $\alpha_b$ = 0.1

covariance $\sum_b$ : 근접 2 점 사이 distance 계산

3.4 Optimization with 3D diffusion model


2D diffusion model $F_{2D}$ SDS (Score Distillation Sampling) loss을 통한 3D Gaussian $\theta_b$ optimize


4. Experiments


ThreeStudio, PyTorch


3D diffusion model : Shape-E, MDM

2D diffusion model : stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base


3D Gaussian

- learning rate opacity, position $10^{-2}, 5 \times 10^{-5}$

- 기타 잡 변수들 정리는 알아서


Training Iteration : 1200

15 min

single RTX 3090 

512x512 -> 1024x1024 









4.5. Limitation

항상 잘 나오지 않음.

not sharp

multi-face problems

큰 규모 장면 생성의 어려움  e.g indoor scenes






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